Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.client_id is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$list.limit is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$list.start is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.ordering is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.tag_search is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.keywords is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$params is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.published is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.archived is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.language is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$id is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$asset_id is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$title is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$alias is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$introtext is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$fulltext is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$state is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$catid is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$created is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$created_by is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$created_by_alias is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$modified is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$modified_by is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$checked_out is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$checked_out_time is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$publish_up is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$publish_down is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$images is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$urls is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$attribs is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$version is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$ordering is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$metakey is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$metadesc is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$access is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$hits is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$metadata is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$featured is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$language is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$xreference is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Table\Content::$note is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 189

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ContentViewArticle::$baseurl is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 215

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$task is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$ is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$list.offset is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$params is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.published is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.archived is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$filter.language is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$note is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$path is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$version is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$note is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$path is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$version is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$note is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode::$version is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 197

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper::$itemTags is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 454

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ContentViewArticle::$pageclass_sfx is deprecated in /www/webvol1/vc/frd38mbg57j9sqd/ on line 206

Nyföretagandet ökar i Sverige. Under 2007 startades drygt 57 000 nya företag. Det är 20 procent fler företag jämfört med 2006. Antal nya företag som startades av kvinnor under 2007 har ökat med 21 procent jämfört med 2006.* Det här visar den senaste statistiken från Institutet för tillväxtpolitiska studier (ITPS) och Näringsdepartementet.

- Det är glädjande att nyföretagandet ökar och att vi ser en god utveckling i många delar av landet. Det här visar att regeringens medvetna satsningar på företagarklimatet gett resultat. Det ska vara enkelt, roligt och lönsamt att starta och driva företag, säger näringsminister Maud Olofsson.

Antalet nystartade företag har ökat inom alla branschgrupper. De största ökningarna har skett inom tjänstesektorn och då främst inom företagstjänster samt utbildning och hälso- och sjukvård.

* Från och med 2007 ingår två nya branscher i nyföretagarstatistiken: jordbruk/skogsbruk/fiske samt fastighetstjänster. Dessa branschgrupper står för närmare 4 000 av de företag som startades 2007. För att få en jämförbar statistik har dessa grupper uteslutits i jämförelsen ovan.

Lisa Wärn
Pressekreterare hos Maud Olofsson
work 08-405 46 84
cell 070-305 47 74

Publicerad: 2008-05-28

Källa: ; Regeringen; Hämtad 29 maj 2008